Online Tests for Engineers | Programming Test Platform | EngineersConnect

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Measure your skills by testing on our platform, improvise them and we will let the recruiters know about you.

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Top Programming Languages 2020

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Python Online Test
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JavaScript Online Test
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Java Online Test
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CSharp Online Test
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C Online Test
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CPP Online Test
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PHP Online Test
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Go Online Test
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Ruby Online Test
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Android Online Test
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Angular Online Test
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Bootstrap Online Test
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jQuery Online Test
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CSS Online Test
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PostgreSQL Test
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Mongodb Online Test
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Wordpress Online Test
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Mysql Online Test

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Solve Online Tests And Generate Scrore

There are various tests on our portal which you can solve. All the activities data is collected, analyzed and intelligently processed to give out score which is presented in your professional profile.


Recruiters are provided with intelligently processed data

Recruiters are provided with this intelligently processed and sorted list of candidate data which gives him the most potential candidates with relevant and real knowledge for the required position.


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More the activities on EngineersConnect more is the chance of standing out of crowd and getting recommended to recruiters


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Tech Recruitment is Now Tech-enabled!!

We power enable the recruiters to save their precious time and resources by providing them intelligent analytics

Tech Knowledge Scale

We provide a detailed analysis of all the technical knowledge of candidates by his scores in the tests he has given on our portal as well as on other parameters.

Faster Hiring Like Never Before

The hassles in the assessment and other procedures before hiring the candidates are managed by us in our smart way. Now you just have to pick the top candidates and go ahead with them.

Best Match for the Job Role

We make sure that the candidate is the best match for the job role and fits well with your organization by conducting various psychometric and vocabulary tests.